I came across a school that places emphasis on the development of character strengths and the corresponding behaviours to be expected from the students.
The advice, I thought, still ring a bell to me and make me feel like I'm still a student.
Character Strengths and Corresponding Behaviors:
Finished whatever s/he began
Stuck with a project or activity for more than a few weeks
Tried very hard even after experiencing failure
Stayed committed to goals
Kept working hard even when s/he felt like quitting
Actively participated
Showed enthusiasm
Approached new situations with excitement and energy
SELF-CONTROL - School Work
Came to class prepared
Got to work right away instead of waiting until the last minute
Paid attention and resisted distractions
Kept working hard even when s/he felt like quitting
SELF-CONTROL - Interpersonal
Remained calm even when criticized or otherwise provoked
Allowed others to speak without interrupting
Was polite to adults and peers
Kept temper in check
Believed that effort would improve his/her future
When bad things happened, s/he thought about things they could do tomake it better next time
Stayed motivated, even when things didn’t go well
Believed that s/he could improve on things they weren’t good at
Recognized what other people did for them
Showed appreciation for opportunities
Expressed appreciation by saying thank you
Did something nice for someone else as a way of saying thank you
Was able to find solutions during conflicts with others
Showed that s/he cared about the feelings of others